February 3, 1992
The Reverend B. Harrison Taylor
First Presbyterian Church
32 North Irving
San Angelo, Texas 76903
Dear Mr. Taylor:
My visit to San Angelo and your wonderful church was a genuine pleasure from the first minute to the last. Your people were cordial and considerate of my time and my comfort. Thank you for your generous hospitality. Aileen Stinnett served as the perfect hostess, and I want to say that I felt at home with her service playing; she is a prize!
Churches with new organs usually want to know what the visiting player thinks about the new instrument and I sometimes feel that it is better not to comment unless forced to do so, and then great tact and diplomacy must be called into play. Concerning the San Angelo organ that I played yesterday, I am writing without your urging me to speak because I think that you ought to know how fortunate you are to have purchased the organ that you did. Dan Garland and Company has built for your church a quite beautiful organ that has the finest materials in its construction, and the tonal results that come only from a first-class voicer. Mr. Garland made the instrument fit its room tonally and the variety of tone colors is exceptional for an organ that size. The mechanism of the organ worked without a flaw during a recital that was grueling for any instrument. In my opinion, the new organ is in the highest category, on a par with the best work being done in Europe and the United States.
Please be kind enough to relay my congratulations and compliments to your organ committee and church members. I would like to have that organ on the TCU campus, but one must not be covetous. Thank you for inviting me to take part in the memorable day.
Emmet G. Smith