29 July 1994
Mr. Daniel Garland
Garland Pipe Organs, Inc.
2968 S.E. Loop 820 Fort Worth, Texas 76140
Dear Dan,
Thanks so much for your hospitality during the AGO Convention week. Not only was it great to see you again, but a much-needed “breather” from finishing our own organ at King of Glory, as well as the intense schedule of the Convention itself.
I was very glad to see the completed St. Stephen’s project. I was particularly impressed that you were able to take about as non-descript an instrument as one could imagine (indeed, so unmemorable that I had entirely forgotten the recital I attended there!) and transformed it into a really grand sound. More and more I’m finding that individuals whose talent and vision can be focused on one project like this tend to do a far better job of it than most large companies can offer. Thank you also for your willingness to disassemble the Schopp 32′ reed pipe, which I know was difficult to remove. They are indeed impressively made.
You’re obviously a man with a good ear, lots of talent, and the courage to express yourself through your work, and I look forward to seeing more of it, and you, in the future. Drop by King of Glory some time! Meanwhile, thanks again for a lovely evening, and please extend my regards to Mark Scott for his hospitality as well.
Manuel J. Rosales, Jr.,
Rosales Organ Builders, Inc.