Garland Pipe Organs



Dan Garland, President & Tonal Director



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“This organ is awesome.”

Samuel Soria, Organist,
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, CA
(dedication recitalist for new Garland organ at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church, Arlington, TX)


Click on thumbnails below for larger images. Not all installations are represented on this page. For a complete list of Garland installations, their stoplists, and select builder’s notes, see Projects.

Arborlawn United Methodist Church, Fort Worth, TX,
2012, 106 ranks, stoplist, builder’s notes


St. George’s School, Newport, RI,
2005, 70 ranks, stoplist, builder’s notes


St.Stephen Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth, TX
1993, 77 ranks, stoplist, builder’s notes


Central Christian Church, Dallas, TX
1994, 30 ranks, stoplist

University Christian Church, Austin, TX,
2006, 29 ranks,stoplist, builder’s notes


University Presbyterian, Church Austin, TX,
2000, 47 ranks stoplist, builder’s notes


St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church, Arlington, TX,
2009, 60 ranks, stoplist, builder’s notes


First Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth, TX,
1984/1995, 133 rank, stoplist, builder’s notes


First United Methodist Church, Wichita Falls, TX,
2003, 74 ranks, stoplist, builder’s notes


West University United Methodist, Houston, TX,
2005, 35 rank, stoplist, builder’s notes


Bentwood Trail Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX,
2004, 45 ranks, stoplist, builder’s notes


First Presbyterian Church, Monroe, LA, 1992,
63 ranks, stoplist, builder’s notes


First United Methodist Church, Bryan, TX, 2007,
54 ranks, stoplist


All Saints Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, TX ,
2001, 85 ranks, stoplist, builder’s notes


University Christian Church, Fort Worth, TX,
2002, 69 ranks, stoplist, builder’s notes