Garland Pipe Organs



Dan Garland, President & Tonal Director



New façade and casework at University Christian Church, Fort Worth, Texas
click for larger image

“I was deeply honored to be invited to perform…on your magnum opus…the organ was fabulous! Congratulations on your stellar track record in the pipe organ profession.

Richard L. Elliott
Tabernacle Organist
Salt Lake City, UT



“Once again a large instrument does not guarantee a good instrument. It’s due to the smart thinking and the true artistry of the builder to compose these various many parts of the instrument in such a way that each one does what only it can do. And that not only are they good on their own but the way they combine is very successful. I have had the honor of working with Dan Garland over the past twelve years on several of his instruments, one here in Fort Worth, the fabulous instrument at University Christian Church and then a smaller instrument in Dallas. But what is a consistent theme with Dan is incredible attention to excellence in every detail and that is borne out and affirmed once again in this instrument.”

Dr. Bradley Hunter Welch, March 22, 2015, during comments at the dedication recital of the First United Methodist Church, Fort Worth, TX, organ.

“One hundred percent perfection”

March 22, 2015, Fredrick Grimes, Organist Choirmaster All Saints Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, TX, on hearing the dedication recital of the First United Methodist Church, Fort Worth, TX, organ.

“What a truly wonderful organ! I am so proud of it and no matter how many times I play it, I always find something new…this in an instrument of 44 ranks! It is wonderfully expressive, possessing brilliance balanced with warmth, color and variety. I can honestly say that I love this organ and would build it again today!”

Michael Snoddy,
former Organist and Choirmaster
Bentwood Trail Presbyterian, Dallas
(on staff when the instrument was built and installed)
currently Director of Worship & Music and Organist, Trinity Episcopal Church, Columbus, Georgia

[favorite instruments] “Among others, the organs at the Riverside Church in New York, at the Meresburg Cathedral in Berlin and at St.Stephen Presbyterian in Fort Worth”…”But you can’t beat what’s at home. The Meyerson organ is absolutely fabulous…”

Mary Preston,
resident organist Dallas Symphony Orchestra,
curator of the Fisk Organ,
Meyerson Symphony Hall, Dallas,
from the Fort Worth Star Telegram, October 3, 1994,
following a major recital at
St. Stephen Presbyterian Church,
Fort Worth, TX, a Garland organ.

“Within the pipe organ industry, Dan Garland ranks at the very top when it comes to honesty and integrity.”

Robert Schopp
A.R. Schopp’s Sons, Inc.

“The Garland Pipe Organ at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, Texas, has been played by organists from around the world. This instrument has become known for its warmth, beauty, and flexibility. Of all the organbuilders working in America today, Garland is likely to go down in history for excellence, superb voicing, musicality, and the number of new instruments produced.”

Frederick Grimes
Organist and Choirmaster
All Saints Episcopal Church
Fort Worth, Texas

“…your new instrument at All Saints’ Church is truly superb. All conspires to manifest a great instrument: ensemble, speech, color and flexibility. Congratulations! I shall sing your praises with a glad heart!

Gerre Hancock
6 November 2001
Organist/Choirmaster St. Thomas Church, NYC
currently Professor of Organ and Sacred Music, University of Texas, Austin

“I wanted to…tell you how much I enjoyed playing your superb instrument at Fort Worth All Saints’. It is truly splendid, and I have already told many people here what good work you are doing. I hope I have many chances to play and enjoy your organs in the future.”

Robert McCormick
21 November 2004
The Church of Saint Mary the Virgin
New York, NY

“I think the words I must use when writing about your work is “utter conviction.” You are one of a very rare breed of organ-builders who aren’t afraid to assume the mantle of “conviction” as an ultra-positive mantra. The Wichita Falls organ is the result of your inner, personal conviction and proves beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt that you know your craft jolly well, and aren’t afraid to let the job speak proudly and with, yes, conviction! Thanks for “raising the bar” of organ building to such a superbly high level.”

Carlo Curley
24 September, 2008

“I was deeply honored to be invited to perform…on your magnum opus…the organ was fabulous! Congratulations on your stellar track record in the pipe organ profession.

Richard L. Elliott
Tabernacle Organist
Salt Lake City, UT

“Please accept my congratulations upon the splendid work you did on the new Ridglea Christian Church Organ. It was a pleasure to play it in its opening recital, and it was most enjoyable to find the many colors that are in the instrument. For its size it is a remarkable and versatile organ, and I know that the congregation is thrilled with it.”

Emmet G. Smith,
Herndon Professor of Music Emeritus,
Texas Christian University

“This organ is spectacular.”

Tom Stoker, Minister of Music,
Arborlawn United Methodist Church,
Fort Worth, TX

(after hearing the new Garland organ at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church, Arlington, TX)

“This organ is awesome.”

Samuel Soria, Organist,
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels,
Los Angeles, CA

(dedication recitalist for new Garland organ at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church, Arlington, TX)

“Garland Pipe Organs was chosen for excellence in craftsmanship, reliability of service as well as the beauty of sound produced by organs built by the Garland firm. Dan Garland, owner and tonal director, proved to be congenial, businesslike, as well as sympathetic to the unique needs of this congregation.”

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church,
Ft. Worth

“I would not be here if I had not grown up in a church that had a good organ, good music, good acoustics, a real music program, and an organist and a family who were there to guide.”

Dan Garland,
President & Tonal Director,
Garland Pipe Organs, Inc.